We seek to share, educate, entertain, inspire, uplift and prepare
the next wave of Awakening Masters to maximally share
their Light, Love and Sacred Gifts for the
Highest Good of all Life.
We bring together Master Teachers to share their decades of extensive and unique experiences as Spiritual Healers, Authors, Artists, Teachers, Mentors, Trailblazers and Leaders of the anchoring of a new Heavenly Paradigm for the Earth. Our goal is to share the most important concepts, principles, support groups and techniques that will assist the current wave of Awakening Humanity to quickly access their own Divine Gifts and in turn take on their own leadership roles for the Healing and Transformation of the Earth as we transition into the Fifth Dimension.

Our Vision grew out of several co-created organizations in Mount Shasta. First was Mount Shasta Rising followed by Mount Shasta Authors Guild. Each organization was built to bring forward the spiritual wealth held by the various teachers, authors, artists and musicians of Mount Shasta. Mikaelah Cordeo also offered a cable t.v. series “Treasures of Mount Shasta” again introducing the precious teachers she so respected in the area.
As life keeps us moving forward, Mikaelah was guided to move to the Oregon coast where she met more Teachers and so many Awakening Masters, Goddesses, Light Workers, and Angels that she realized that there was a great need for these to receive the best possible teachings, and as quickly as possible, so their Divine Missions could be brought forward to share with all on Earth. The transition into the Fifth Dimension, the increasing waves of Light pouring onto the planet, and all the changes that were impacting everyone could be made much smoother if people understood what was happening, why it was a supremely good thing, and some of the basic principles that could improve their lives in seemingly miraculous ways.
In January of 2015, we created a business to support and promote the vision, the stories and the sacred teachings of Mount Shasta authors, artists and musicians to inspire, assist and uplift humanity through a co-creative model in a Fifth Dimensional paradigm.
Now in 2023, as we move swiftly through solar and lunar eclipses, full moons, solstices and equinoxes, the Powers of Light are pouring increasing waves of Light onto the Earth. We are being called to let go of all that no longer serves. We are being called to assist in this birthing of a New Earth that has been prophesied for millennia. We have drawn on our years of spiritual growth to find awesome Master Teachers who are bringing forward new classes and teachings just for these times.
We look forward to interacting with you and to meeting your needs for spiritual growth, new concepts, self-improvement, and personal and planetary healing
We meet you via emails, newsletters and this website and share our gifts through: online classes and events, videos, mp3s, book excerpts, support groups and mentoring opportunities. We will also be highlighting classes, workshops, and events in Mount Shasta and a variety of other locations as well as Master Teacher services for a variety of coaching, healing, and transformational counseling services.