During the celebrations for the Harmanic Convergence on August 16 and 17, 1987, we anticipated a lot. New paradigms of perfection emerging, the return of the Ascended Masters, Space Ships landing with amazing teachings and gifts to share with us. What we didn’t anticipate was that WE were the rescue teams.
As part of the first wave of awakening, I studied, learned, meditated, and grew. I learned things I’d never dreamed were possible. I reveled in Light, the exploration of new paradigms of healing, speaking with and for the Ascended Hosts of Light, learning about Ascension and Ascended Masters. Over the last 35 years of Light expanding and exploding across the Earth, I learned a fair bit, and I learned that there were others like myself, learning and growing on entirely different, but equally spiritual paths, all leading to higher consciousness and our Awakened Mastery.
Together we shared an incredible and awesome journey. Many were hoping to be able to Ascend physically and leave for “that better place”. Most of us are still here and have learned that we are the ones we’ve been waiting for. And now we are seeing another wave of Awakening sweeping across the Earth as we enter the Fifth Dimension. These ones are awesome, loving, and wise, but with no significant knowledge of the lessons we had taken decades to absorb. The world does not teach us that we are Masters or what that might mean. Or when it does, we’ve been trained to believe that we are lowly, unworthy, sinners, etc. and we end up having no support system to believe who we truly are.
Over the last few years, I’ve had the opportunity to meet and advise these who are now Awakening. I see their need for support, basic information on a Reality of Higher Consciousness that is not part of their education or experience to date, and a whole new vocabulary and mind set to prepare them to thrive as we move quickly into the Fifth Dimension. You each see your path of fully expressing your Divine Purpose and Divine Plan emerging before you. We see that everything is speeding up, including the need to fully embody your gifts, your talents, your Plan, and your Divine Presence.
In answer to this growing need, we have assembled a team of Master Teachers from a variety of different disciplines and spiritual paths whose own journeys uniquely qualify them to serve as teachers and mentors for the awakening ones. We see who you are and we cannot simply call you students. To us, you are Awakening Masters, eagerly seeking assistance to maximize the ease and grace of your transition into the full expression of your Mastery. And, yes, we know that it is an eternal opportunity to grow in the Light, the Love and the Wisdom of the Divine, and yet there is much to be done in this present NOW.
It is our desire to give you the Tools, the Concepts, the Experiences and the Language that will simplify your process. You could spend the next 30 years as we did, learning and growing, but I see you, already leaping to help those around you, each in your own way. The needs of the Earth and all life are calling for help now.

We invite you to explore this website, find the free gifts that are being offered to you to introduce you to the Master Teachers and the Truths and the Principles of Higher Consciousness that will maximize your own growth and Awakening. Identify those classes, teachings, principles, concepts, events and ideas that call to your heart and your soul. We have come to assist you to fully accept and celebrate the Truth that we are here to Embody Our Divinity. We are here to share our years of seeking, and experiencing, and studying, and sharing so that you can absorb it all far faster than was possible even 10 years ago. And to step into your own next expression of Your Divine Mastery.
On behalf of our precious team of Master Teachers I share our Blessings and our Love,
Mikaelah Cordeo, Ph.D.
Messenger for the Ascended Hosts of Light
Director and Co-Founder “Your Divine Mastery”