We realize that there are some very new concepts that are fundamental to this work. So we invite you to explore who we are and what we offer at your own pace. And we are still very much in the creation mode, so new things and even some of the fundamentals are still in the development stage probably stabililzing around October/November, 2019, although growth will be ongoing.
You might wish to start by watching the introductory interviews on YouTube (ETA by September/October, 2019).
You might wish to learn more about our Master Teachers by exploring their pages and some sample videos, mp3s and pdfs that they are sharing. Also still in the preparation stage. (They have all been in Lots of Opportunities-land also.)
You might wish to sign up for our ongoing informational newsletters or to sign up with individual Master Teachers and their ongoing classes, prayer/meditation groups or other things they are sharing. Send me an email at soulstarservices.com and let me know what you hope we’re going to talk about, share and teach.
You might wish to find out how to get started before we are finally in full steam ahead mode. (Right now we are still transforming the old website to the the new and lining up all the current details for Teacher pages, events, …, YouTube channels and so on.
We’d love to hear from you about any questions you might have and ways we can assist right away. E-mail Mikaelah at soulstarservices@gmail.com.